Pogledati punu verziju : Quiet...

28.12.2007, 12:37
This board is very quiet this year... Is Kop a 'secret' again?

28.12.2007, 17:51
:confused: Hi PatMan - I was thinking exactly the same thing myself yesterday - whilst I didn't post much last year, I visited this site a lot in the run-up to our Kop trip in mid February 2007, so am now doing the same this time as we've booked to go again on 9/2/08 - and there aren't many people on the site this time. Guess it must be that quite a few of the ones who went earlier this year haven't rebooked, and the people who have booked mustn't have found this site on Google or wherever yet!

29.12.2007, 12:33
I was thinking the same last week. I've been visiting the board regularly but there doesn't seem to be as much activity this year. I'd heard that Thompson were combining flights to Nis with flights to/from Bulgaria so maybe numbers are slightly down this year?

I'm not going back this year as we've booked Bad Gastein in Austria, although it wasn't for the lack of tryint to persaude everybody we go with to come back to Kop.

Have fun fellow Kopites :ski:

29.12.2007, 17:23
I'm going to Kop on 26th Jan 2008, it will be my 3rd year in a row to Kop :D

There is a group of 6 of us this time. I can't wait!

02.01.2008, 11:44
I got my notification of the combined flight info - bit of a pain, but nothing can be done... And not enough to put me off returning to Kop!

02.01.2008, 12:58
I'm really suprised about the demand for Kop seeming less this year. From what I saw/experienced last year it was a cracking resort and well worth another visit. I certainly had nothing to complain about with regards to the standard of runs and ski infrastructure.

One thing I noticed when we were looking to book our 2008 hol is that there didn't seem to be any free child places available in Kopaonik this year. Admitidly the creche facilities in resort were non existent (as I frustratingly found out) but for families with children old enough to ski the free child places certainly make for a more appealing price.

Hope you enjoy Kop again as much as we did last year.

02.01.2008, 16:42
Im visiting for the 1st time this year :)

Cant wait! also noticed when I booked with crystal (thomson) that the return flight lands at Nis. Rather it be the return then the arriving flight, otherwise we might not be there until midnight and the lessons start at 9am the following day wouldnt leave much time to get kit organised for them who need it!!

16 of is are going on the 8/3 staying at the Grand. Cant wait

02.01.2008, 17:17
Hi Surferchicky - hopefully you'll love it, we went in February this year and are going again this February as we enjoyed it so much!

Flights are much worse than last year - Sunday departure, arrived at Nis 10.45am - therefore got to resort late afternoon & got skis/boots from the hire shop that evening, in time for lessons 9am the following day.

This year, departure date suddenly switched to Saturday in October time (after we'd already booked hotel/parking for previous dates!!), and the flight doesn't arrive at Nis until 19.35pm - so by the time we've assembled & driven to Kop, it's going to be at least 9.30pm - no dinner & no chance to get skis/boots etc!

I would imagine therefore that we'll get the hire things first thing on the Sunday morning, and then the lessons on day 1 will be around 12pm - 4pm, reverting back to 9am the following day.

Then a bit of a crappy return journey, landing at Sofia to pick up passengers for around 1 hour for some reason (not sure how this will work unless it's a bigger plane, or less Serbia passengers than this year, as the plane was full to capacity this year), landing at Gatwick at 11.30pm at night.... (last year, flight landed back at 3.15pm which was a better time!)

Anyway, the good news is that there was a good snowfall last night - it seemed to have been melting over the past week or so and had got down to 35cm, but pleased to see it's back up now at 50cm. Was -16 last night!!

02.01.2008, 17:19
Hmm, no free kids - that will def have an impact in numbers!

Am quite glad really - nothing worse than a 7 year old skiing better than you, whizzing past as you fall flat on your ar$e....

02.01.2008, 19:52
LOL patman - My 9 year old made it look oh so simple last year, shooting past me while he was curled up in a ball!! Kids these days eh........no respect for their elders :)

Surfer Chicky - you will have a fab time, the skiing is awesome, the pistes are well groomed and the queues are minimal, also the hire gear was so much better than that I'd used in Bulgaria previously, they are obviously pulling out all the stops to make sure any word spread about Kop is good (and it is). I've been on the net today trying to find something in Kop for 2009.

03.01.2008, 13:52
LOL patman - My 9 year old made it look oh so simple last year, shooting past me while he was curled up in a ball!! Kids these days eh........no respect for their elders :)

Surfer Chicky - you will have a fab time, the skiing is awesome, the pistes are well groomed and the queues are minimal, also the hire gear was so much better than that I'd used in Bulgaria previously, they are obviously pulling out all the stops to make sure any word spread about Kop is good (and it is). I've been on the net today trying to find something in Kop for 2009.

Have to agree with you about the quality of hire gear - so much better than Bulgaria! And the queues - compared to the queues in Bulgaria - what queues?

A great time will be had by all - :cug:

05.01.2008, 09:07
hi everyone.

One reason the board might be quiet this year is because the web address has changed.

I've had the old board in my favorites since last year and every now and again would check and theres been no new posts since July.

Its only because i was on the main site page and come in through there that i found that there have indeed been discussions about Kop.

Im still hoping to get some skiing in this year, but funds are the main sticking point (am off to Vegas in March so want to do most things over there) but you never know, the credit card may get a hit if a good last minute deal comes up!!

06.01.2008, 10:50
I had the old board in my favourites too. Maybe someone could put a post on the old forum directing people to this forum?

I would, but I deleted the site from my favourites and can't remember the address.

07.01.2008, 01:04
Sorry I don't have the old link either. But the strange thing I've noticed is that if you enter the forum via the main Kop site, if you look at the 'last post date' for all of the Serbian language forums, there don't appear to be any recent ones - it's as if all the Serbs have disappeared and are posting elsewhere - anyone know where?

07.01.2008, 10:32
Maybe they can't find the new forum site either!

Pity really, picked up loads of useful information before I went away last year - bound to be loadsa newbies 'lost' and needing help!