infoKOP Forum FAQ

Ovde možete naći odgovore na pitanja o tome kako forum radi. Koristite veze ili pretragu ispod da pronađete svoj put kroz odgovore.

How do I post new entries?

If you are allowed to post blog entries, you will always have a link at the top of the blog sidebar titled "Add new Post". This link allows you to post entries immediately, entries that will post automatically at a future date, or create a draft entry for later review and posting.

Can I categorize my entries?

You may categorize entries in multiple categories of your own creation. Before you may categorize entries, you must define your categories in the Blog Control Panel.

After creating your categories, you will be able to select multiple categories from the blog entry page during the creation of a new entry, or by editing an existing entry.

Entry Options

Pretražiti FAQ

Označiti ovu opciju ako želite da se pretraga izvrši u naslovima kao i u tekstu FAQ-a.

Izaberite opciju na koji način želite da vaš upit bude tretiran. 'Bilo koja reč' opcija će vratiti rezultate koji sadrže najviše reči koje ste naveli ali vrlo verovatno najmanje relevantne, dok 'Cela fraza' će vratiti samo rezultate koji sadrže sve reči koje ste naveli.

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