A kako je u Srebrncu? Da li je socijala ili je lepo sredjeno?
Tip: Poruke; Korisnik: SpongeBob
A kako je u Srebrncu? Da li je socijala ili je lepo sredjeno?
Ista stvar i mene zanima.
Kakve su varijante zxa smestaj za vikend posto to skoro nigde ne moze da se nadje.
Ja sam veroavao da ce ovi momci uspeti da prevazidju ove pocetne probleme jer ovo im je ipak bila prva ili druga nedelja organizacije. Ovo sa novim autobusom mi se svidja i ja vec imam jos drugara...
Pa evo ja sam bio u subotu.
To je odlicna ideja samo treba malo da se razradi. Taj cuveni ski autobus iz Skandinavije jeste skibus (dosta star) koji je namenjen za destinacije do 20ak kilometara...
And it doesn't work with mozilla firefox you have to view it from internet explorer (at least on my computer).
If you have a picture you can post it here that should help a lot! :dziveli:
Hey Nick, :dziveli:
Do you have any good ski resorts in Scotland? :ski:
Ne znam na kom sajtu to citas ali na www.infokop.net lepo pise 40 cm snega! :yay: :dziveli: :yay: i to u 7 ujutru danas!!!
Hey guys,
It snowed entire night on Kop and id snowing still. :dziveli: :yay: :sm019:
See you next year!!! :dziveli: :cug: :cug: :cug::smoke:
It looks like you choose good week to go! According to the forecast from infokop.net It will be a lot of fresh snow! :yay:
SSSSSNNNNNOOOOOWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :sm017: :sm017: :sm017::sm019: :sm019:
Si claro! :smoke:
I haven't been there this season but you will find a lot of places with different typo of music. Eventually at the end (from 2 o clock) most of the places will start playing JK and other Serbian folk...
I understood that her songs seams exotic to you but I don't like that type of music.
I know when my friends from other countries come to Belgrade I have to take them to some clubs and places...
Only 3 days!!!!???
Be an optimist! We are all looking for a projected precipitation but that doesn't mean much because the best forecast is for the next couple of hours (that is certain). Remember...
I believe that we will find each other on the slopes or in pub so no problem!
Buy the way who is riding what?
I am riding snowboard as you can see on my avatar and my details.
If it is OK with people that have talkie walkies maybe we should agree that every evening you should be on 5 channel every afternoon around 17h!
It looks like I will come almost definitely for a...
I though that there is 40 hour work week in UK!? :sm022:
Well my friend all you are left with is RAKIJA!!!!! You must drink a lot and you will forget everything else! Just don't forget your girlfriend because she will beat you! :sm021:
You should ask...
Just ask for the water without gas or in Serbian say "Ja bih hteo negaziranu vodu" :sm021:
that means "I would like a water without gas".
As Dzonka tried to recomend some food I will try to translate it for you.
1. Pljeskavica is basicaly a hamburger made of mixed minced meat from pork and beef. You should try punjena pljeskavica...
It looks like you are going to have a lot of snow during your stay!!! :ski: :yay:
Maybe I will come during next week if I can escape from office! :sm017:
Pictures are great except for that guy in red jacket! :sm004:
You have all the necessary info from this pictures but the best ones are when it's snowing! :yay:
Sledece nedelje treba da padne brdo snega tako da planiraj da odes oko 01.02.