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Tema: Webcam and snow info

  1. #1

    Podrazumevano Webcam and snow info

    Hi everyone.

    We are visiting your great resort in January and are staying at the Club A hotel.

    Is there any snow yet, and is there a webcam available that i can see?

    Many thanks in advance.


  2. #2


    hi. Kopaonik dont have web cam.

  3. #3


    Many thanks Kop_Mania

    Shame, would like to see the snow building up before we get there.

    Any plans for one that you know of?

  4. #4


    usually in january there is a lot of snow,don't worry
    ski rules

  5. #5
    casual snowboarder NSboarder avatar
    Datum registracije
    Novi Sad


    hi stranger, first of all I have to tell you that you made a great decision for your winter holiday! If you have never been on Kopaonik you will definitely like it. In a few past years it became a real, modern ski center, will see it. do you ski or snowboard
    By the way, where are you from, and when precisely are you coming(which week(s) in january)?
    greetings from Serbia

  6. #6


    Citirati Originalno postavljeno od NSboarder
    hi stranger, first of all I have to tell you that you made a great decision for your winter holiday! If you have never been on Kopaonik you will definitely like it. In a few past years it became a real, modern ski center, will see it. do you ski or snowboard
    By the way, where are you from, and when precisely are you coming(which week(s) in january)?
    greetings from Serbia
    Thanks NSboader.

    I was originally a skier, but for the past few holidiays i've been using blades.

    Alot of people say its not real skiing, but i enjoy enjoy it. Its fun and thats all that matters.

    Having said that, i might give boarding a try this year.

    I'm from England and have mostly skied in Italy and a couple of times in Switzerland.

    There are 6 of us coming over on the 21st of January for one week. We cant wait.

    I've been looking at Stevs photos for months since i came into contact with him on the snowheads forum.

  7. #7


    Good news fellaz-it snowed last nite and there should be at least 8-10cm on Kopaonik right now..having said that I'm sure by the time you come to Kop there will be plenty of powder!! vavaviva!

  8. #8
    casual snowboarder NSboarder avatar
    Datum registracije
    Novi Sad


    Citirati Originalno postavljeno od no_snow_in_swindon
    Thanks NSboader.

    I was originally a skier, but for the past few holidiays i've been using blades.

    Alot of people say its not real skiing, but i enjoy enjoy it. Its fun and thats all that matters.

    Having said that, i might give boarding a try this year.

    I'm from England and have mostly skied in Italy and a couple of times in Switzerland.

    There are 6 of us coming over on the 21st of January for one week. We cant wait.

    I've been looking at Stevs photos for months since i came into contact with him on the snowheads forum.

    I heard that skiing in Alps in Italy is real adventure, but I have never been there, so I am looking forward to go there.
    After skiing there and in switzerland most people think they will be dissapointed with Kopaonik, but it is not true-there is a lot of snow(especially in the end of january and first two weeks in februaru), all slopes are working full time(from 9am-4pm), mountain is not too brutal (rigorous) so it is sunny almost every day.
    Maybe you heard that in the past few years on kopaonik is coming a lot of strangers(especially englishmen), for the example, I met three diferent men from london in one day last year, while sitting on cableway.
    This year I will spend same week on kopaonik as you, so, who knows, maybe we see each other there!
    We are excited as you, not just because you are coming here, but of our hope that you will come home with a new experience, and you will share your impressions (I hope good) with us.
    P.S. there are no english pubs on Kopaonik !

  9. #9


    Citirati Originalno postavljeno od NSboarder
    I heard that skiing in Alps in Italy is real adventure, but I have never been there, so I am looking forward to go there.
    After skiing there and in switzerland most people think they will be dissapointed with Kopaonik, but it is not true-there is a lot of snow(especially in the end of january and first two weeks in februaru), all slopes are working full time(from 9am-4pm), mountain is not too brutal (rigorous) so it is sunny almost every day.
    Maybe you heard that in the past few years on kopaonik is coming a lot of strangers(especially englishmen), for the example, I met three diferent men from london in one day last year, while sitting on cableway.
    This year I will spend same week on kopaonik as you, so, who knows, maybe we see each other there!
    We are excited as you, not just because you are coming here, but of our hope that you will come home with a new experience, and you will share your impressions (I hope good) with us.
    P.S. there are no english pubs on Kopaonik !
    What do you mean by "english pubs"?

    We are coming to expericance the real Serbia. We have seen some tv clips of Kopaonik before on one of our holiday tv programmes on the BBC and it looks very nice ( )

    I think the slopes in the Alps are possibly steeper than Kop. It's been described that the Alps are mountains, where as Kop is more of a hill. We are bringing my son for his first skiing holiday so we thought that it would be better for that. Also a different culture which is always good to experiance.

    Also it is about half the price than going to the alps.

  10. #10
    casual snowboarder NSboarder avatar
    Datum registracije
    Novi Sad


    [quote=no_snow_in_swindon] What do you mean by "english pubs"?/quote]

    I am just kidding

    So, you are probably a (very) good skier because you were on Alps and in Switzerland. Belive me, it won't be boring for you on Kop, there are some "real"(black) slopes, so you can test your skills there. And of course there are slopes for beginers, so you don't have to worry for your son.


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