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Tema: Photos

  1. #31


    For anyone who is interested, here are a few of my holiday snaps, plus a video of me snowboarding! A great time was had by all!
    Me coming down one of the runs:
    Base resort level:

    A bar part way down one of the mountains:

    My mates James at the top of the mountain:

    My bro Ashley:

    Ash on the chairlift:

  2. #32


    Great pics mate

  3. #33


    Ski-Virgin & CLJ....

    Ye seem to have gone very quiet about the rugby!!


  4. #34

    Podrazumevano Rugby

    Only came back from Kop on Sunday so didn't have to watch England losing thank goodness although my dad was happy with the result being a Munster man. Had a fantastic time in Kop enjoyed every minuate of it and meet some great people.
    What a shame to have to return to work

  5. #35


    Hi Ski-Virgin,

    The ol' fella would have been over the moon after watching the Munster-men rule that game! Fantastic to see POC back to his best - bring on the Scarlets at the end of March!
    "To the brave and faithful, nothing is impossible"

  6. #36


    Patman, I've only just recovered from the humiliation!
    I'm just glad I'm not Scottish!

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