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  1. #1

    Podrazumevano BBC Rugby

    I am of to Kop on the 18/02/2007 with my husband and 16 year old son having only been skiing once before am really looking forward to it, Glad to see the snow has arrived. I was also wondering if you can get the BBC out there as England are playing Ireland in the 6 Nations on the 24/02/2007 and would love to be able to see it. any one able to help .

  2. #2
    Junior Member rista83 avatar
    Datum registracije
    Novi Sad


    You get only BBC world over here, which is kind of a news channel, but check out channels like sport club, eurosport or sportitalia (i doubt that the German DSF is going to cover the match live or in the news)

  3. #3


    When we were there last week we couldnt get the BBC to watch the FA cup games.

    They did have Eurosport and CNN in the hotel. (Club A)

    If its not on Eurosport i wouldnt hold out much hope as im not sure any of the serbian domestic channels would show it.

  4. #4


    Out there we found quite a lot of the english football matches were televised all week. The down side was the commentry in german :p The TV channels seemed to be covering all the major sporting events including the Aussie Open and the Ice Dancing so I would not be surprised if they show it.

    Don't hunt me down if they don't xD

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