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Tema: Anyone going 25th Feb?

  1. #1

    Podrazumevano Anyone going 25th Feb?

    Hi, new on here and first time to Serbia! Me and a mate have been to Banff, Canada last year and thought we would try Europe. It is releiving to read the threads on this forum about various things. So anyone else going out on the 25th?

  2. #2


    No, but I wish I was!!

  3. #3


    We're starting to book our holiday for next year over to Banff.

    Any tips?

  4. #4


    Have a great time and do a snow dance for us in front of the webcam on your last night!!

  5. #5
    Junior Member prettydia011 avatar
    Datum registracije


    Hi nohope,
    I am going on Friday, 23rd, and staying till Monday, 5th Feb. I am using up all my holiday. I've been there during the week just after Christmas (first time ever - both snowboarding and visit to Kop during winter), and now going again. It is that good!

  6. #6


    Citirati Originalno postavljeno od no_snow_in_swindon Pogledati poruku
    We're starting to book our holiday for next year over to Banff.

    Any tips?
    Hi, you will love it there!! Sunshine village is the good one there, whereas they do put on trips to Lake Louise, I found the journey quite long. The steak is brill and there are alot of ex-pats who hang out in Banff, including my brother. Head to the Hub (booking centre in town) and say hello to Ged. You can't miss him as he has a Lancashire accent, even having lived there for 7 years!! Some hotels are nearer the town than others, and at night they can be a bit of a trek to get back to, so book wisely. Oh, and take your swimming sgoets and visit the hot springs. Well worth a dip, combine it with a trip up Sulphur mountain. There are loads of other things happening as well, to many to mention!!

  7. #7


    Citirati Originalno postavljeno od nohope Pogledati poruku
    Hi, new on here and first time to Serbia! Me and a mate have been to Banff, Canada last year and thought we would try Europe. It is releiving to read the threads on this forum about various things. So anyone else going out on the 25th?
    I would say you are in for a shock - going from Banff to Serbia!

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